Roots, Game, and Trail

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Coyote Trapping: How to Make a Basic Flat Set

Summer is a great time to start preparing for the upcoming trapping season. Scouting and trap-prep are among two of the most important things that trappers do in order to get ready for those chilly days out on the line. During the off-season, sometimes Dan will practice by creating mock coyote sets in his backyard.

In this video, Dan demonstrates how to make his go-to canine set. This is a basic flat set that has proven effective on fox and coyotes in northern Pennsylvania. In this demonstration, Dan is using a modified Montana #3 coil-spring. For his anchoring system he uses chain with a bullet style earth-anchor. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments below. Also, if you wish to be notified when new content is available on the website, please sign-up for the newsletter at the bottom of the page. Enjoy the video!

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