Best Trail-Cam Pics of 2016
There are several of us at RGT that have trail-cameras. We use these devices for a variety of reasons. They help us decide where and when to hunt a certain area, they are used as an aid in wildlife research, and sometimes we just enjoy seeing what critters are roaming the wilds when we aren't able to be there physically. Collectively this year we utilized trail-cameras in 3 different states, Pennsylvania, Alaska, and Texas. The original goal of this post was to only show our favorite pictures from 2016, but some of the images we captured from several years ago are just too cool to leave buried on our hard drives. So, without further ado, here are some of our favorite pictures and videos from 2016 (give or take a couple years).
AK - This video, was submitted by RGT member Ross Dorendorf while he was working for Wildlife Conservation Society's Arctic Beringia Program (
Here are a series of pictures that we captured on the wolverine project while working near Umiat, Alaska last winter. We set this camera up on a den that we located while backtracking animals from snowmachines. You can see in the series of pictures that several kits (three total) emerge from the den, with a collared mother close by. You can also see a male that we tagged in the background checking in on the female (presumably the father of the kits, as any other male would attempt to kill the kits). This is some of the first images of their kind to be recorded (i.e., mother with kits). - Ross Dorendorf
PA - A nice PA bruiser still in velvet. - Dan Muntz
TX - A sow takes her four little piglets for a stroll - Rob McConnell
AK - This picture from Fairbanks, AK is pretty cool because of the second moose that is hidden in the background of the picture. Scan the edge of the wetland until you come to the left 1/3 of the picture. - Ross Dorendorf and Madi McConnell
PA - A great picture of a coyote moving through the snowy hills of NW PA - Dan Muntz
TX - A river otter moves along a trail that connects a river to a wetland area. - Rob McConnell
AK - A quick video of a Pine Marten indulging in a tasty morsel. - Ross Dorendorf
PA - This picture is special because I am pretty sure that this coyote is the one I caught later in the year. I caught her about 200 yards from where the picture was taken. She was my first coyote caught on a drag - Dan Muntz
TX - I just like this picture because it is an awesome close-up of pig. A large group of them worked the same area for quite some time. There was quite a bit of forage on the ground in this area and the hogs were loving it. - Rob McConnell
PA - I set this camera out in front of a red fox den. This den is right behind my house. - Dan Muntz
TX - I like this picture because it really demonstrates that you can find wildlife anywhere. This camera was set up in a "green space" just behind my neighborhood in Houston, TX. - Rob McConnell
PA - This video is from 2015. This black bear sow and her cubs were captured on a trail-cam that I had positioned on a lease road. - Dan Muntz
PA - This picture is from several years ago. I caught this big tom on my cameras several times throughout the year. He frequented the same patch of cattails in a swampy area. I was lucky enough to call him in and harvest him during PA bobcat season. He weighed about 54 lbs. - Rob McConnell
Trail cameras are a fantastic tool for hunting and research. Not only that, but it is so much fun to read the animal sign and try to position the cameras in order to take the perfect picture. Trail cameras give us the ability to see snip-its of what goes on in the woods when we are stuck at work or fast asleep in our beds.