Floating Big Piney Creek, an Ozark Gem

I think Van would agree with me, Big Piney Creek is one of those rivers that you could float over and over again without getting sick of it. Granted, I think we hit the river when the conditions were just right. If the water had been lower, we would have had to carry the raft for 7 miles. If the river had been higher, this novice oarsman would have been a little sketched-out.

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Overland Lab Gear Reviews - Indel B TB-41 12 Volt Fridge

Today I'd like to talk to you about the Indel B TV-41 12-volt fridge. Before I go into the specifics, I'd like to talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages of running a 12-volt fridge and why I decided to go this route instead of a standard cooler. I think probably the biggest reason for me was that I had too many soggy sandwiches over too many camping trips while using a regular cooler and having to deal with the whole ice situation. Here is a short video on some of the ins-and-outs of running my 12-volt fridge, the Indel B TV-41.

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