Trail Camera Footage of a Bobcat Eating a Doe Carcass in East Texas

This spring, I was scouting for animal sign in one of the National Forests in East Texas. I carried my trail-camera in my backpack and my goal was to find a heavily used game trail to position my camera on. As I bushwhacked along a small creek, I came upon a dead whitetail doe.

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Paddling into Public Land: Using a Kayak to Hunt Whitetails on Public Land

Using a kayak, or some sort of small watercraft, doesn’t require too much effort, and it can really provide a significant advantage. As deer get more and more pressure from hunters during the season, they will use natural obstacles, such as rivers, to provide cover and solitude. By using a kayak or canoe, one doesn’t create much noise and doesn’t leave behind a trail of human odor. It can be a great way to sneak up close to bedding areas without alerting deer to your presence. 

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