Small Stream Angling in East Texas

I left the truck parked on the shoulder of a gravel road and started bushwhacking through the East Texas foliage and undergrowth. Droplets of sweat dripped from my forehead and rolled down into my eyes. It was a blistering day as I made my way through the bottomlands of pines and hardwoods. My mission was to find and fish the headwaters of a local river.

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Trail Camera Footage of a Bobcat Eating a Doe Carcass in East Texas

This spring, I was scouting for animal sign in one of the National Forests in East Texas. I carried my trail-camera in my backpack and my goal was to find a heavily used game trail to position my camera on. As I bushwhacked along a small creek, I came upon a dead whitetail doe.

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Squirrels and a Minnow: Using a Squirrel Dog to Pursue Small Game in East Texas

From a bed of weeds on the side of the road, a gangly little mutt sprang to its feet as the trucked pulled into the rest stop. With hackle raised and spine arched, a low growl emanated from its curled lips. I could now see that the brooding dog wasn’t more than a pup, despite the animal’s facade of wolf-like ferocity. The young mutt’s four oversized paws were a tell-tale sign that this dog still had some growing to do before it could fit into its clodhoppers.

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